Like many other NPCs in Elden Ring, it can be rather easy to miss Latenna. However, finding her is certainly worth the effort, and she grants you access to arguably one of the most important questlines in the entirety of the game. Seeing it through to the end will lead you to two gigantic optional areas–the Consecrated Snowfield and Miquella’s Haligtree–both of which are incredibly important for reaching some of the hardest boss fights in the game and unlocking special endings.
Finding Albus
The first step to completing Latenna’s questline involves another NPC entirely. Head to the Village of the Albinaurics, tucked away in the southwest corner of Liurnia of the Lakes. Up the hill past the tough Perfumer enemy, you’ll find a large pot Come from Sports betting site VPbet . Roll into it to reveal Albus, a terrified villager in disguise. Talk to him twice, and he’ll give you the Haligtree Secret Medallion (Right), instructing you to give it to Latenna when you find her.