3 Ways Traditional Chinese Medicine Can Boost Fertility Treatments

Facing infertility is difficult for couples who want to start a family but luckily fertility treatment is an option to have the privilege of being parents. There are several methods available and your healthcare professional will advise on which one is best for you. Once you start fertility treatment, you can do things to support the process and increase the likelihood of falling pregnant.

Adopting a healthier eating plan, reducing stress and doing moderate exercise are all ways you can support your fertility treatment. Changing unhealthy lifestyle habits can make a huge difference and did you know using traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) offered by an could also boost your fertility?

What are we talking about when we mention TCM for enhancing the outcomes of Western fertility treatments? Keep reading to find out more and decide if this is the kind of support you need.


3 Ways Traditional Chinese Medicine Can Benefit Fertility Treatments


1. Acupuncture

Used for healing various health conditions, acupuncture is an ancient TCM that has been around for centuries in Chinese culture. It helps to restore your body to a balanced state so that it may function optimally. Acupuncture is used to support women undergoing fertility or IVF treatment and for pregnant mothers battling pregnancy-associated symptoms such as morning sickness.

By inserting fine needles into meridian points throughout your body, your acupuncturist can unblock stagnant energy and release the Qi which is essential for overall wellbeing. Acupuncture can be used to support Western fertility treatments by:

Improving blood circulation to the reproductive organs
Stabilising hormonal fluctuations
Regulating ovulation
Supporting the digestive system for better nutrient absorption
Reducing mental and physical stress

Acupuncture helps to restore bodily functions including your reproductive system. This TCM approach is holistic and allows your body to heal naturally even while you’re undergoing fertility treatment.

Acupuncture can boost male fertility as well by regulating hormonal activity and increasing the chance of conceiving.


2. Chinese Herbs

Experienced acupuncturists may prescribe herbal remedies to support your acupuncture treatment. Chinese herbs can strengthen and harmonise your body and hormonal system for improved fertility. They can be used as part of your fertility plan to boost your chances of conceiving. However, most Western doctors prefer not to use them in conjunction with fertility drugs.

If you want to use Chinese herbs to enhance fertility, consider the following plants:

Vitex: This herb can potentially improve hormonal balance while regulating ovulation.
Maca: Used as a fertility-enhancing medicine, this plant positively affects male and female androgens which contribute to reproduction.
Cinnamon: Known to nourish the yang energy which is essential for reproduction, cinnamon improves male and female hormone excretion necessary for conception.

Chinese herbs are used as part of a balanced formula targeted to support fertility. It’s important to use high-quality products and work in conjunction with a trained naturopath to ensure you get the best prescription and results.

Before commencing with a Western fertility treatment plan, speak to your medical practitioner first about including Chinese herbs or supplements.


3. Gua Sha

Gua sha is a traditional Asian technique used to improve the flow of Qi in the body. It uses a smooth-edged instrument similar to a spoon to make gentle rubbing movements over certain parts of the body. Gua sha is a wonderful massage for releasing tight muscles and tension in the body as well as helping you deal with mental stress.


Gua sha can be used for women’s health by doing the following:

Improve ovarian and uterine blood flow
Reduce uterine cysts and fibroids
Unblock fallopian tubes

If you’re trying to conceive, the best time to perform abdominal gua sha massage is between days 5 and 14 of your menstrual cycle. Gua sha can be used to support fertility treatments especially as a way to release tension and anxiety which many women battle with during this time.


How to Use TCM in Conjunction With Fertility Treatments

It’s vitally important to check with your healthcare team handling your fertility treatment that you can incorporate TCM into the process. This way, you can rest assured you’re using the right approach without jeopardising your treatment.

Booking a consultation with a trained practitioner experienced in TCM will ensure you get quality natural treatments to support your fertility goals. With women just like you are using TCM to possibly benefit their fertility treatment. Your knowledgeable practitioner is also equipped to advise what other TCM methods you can use to improve your fertility and wellbeing.

Skilled naturopaths can help you design a balanced eating plan that supports your nutritional requirements while trying to conceive or undergoing fertility treatments. Together with your acupuncturist, the naturopath can tailor a treatment plan that can help boost your fertility.


Final Thoughts

If you’re one of the 1 in 6 Australian couples battling with infertility and exploring options for improving fertility, consider TCM to support the process. Undergoing fertility treatments can be stressful and TCM can help to reduce your anxiety while restoring your body’s balance. With a holistic approach to conception, reaching parenthood can be a dream come true.



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